Orange Stained Sunsets

Sometimes, in the moments just before twilight, when the lower part of the sky becomes stained in a deep orange from the setting sun and the stars have yet to unleash their twinkling delight over the world, time rewinds and vivid memories arrest all conscious thought. These moments hold magic for all those who can remember staring up at the same sky as a younger version of themselves.

I remember being a kid and spending sun kissed summers picking berries and swimming in the lake, carefree and happy. When the sun drooped down below the jagged mountains and that tangerine sky lit up my world, the family would gather for dinner around our big outside table and enjoy the flavors of summer. The evening would unfold before us as activity slowed, replaced by the contentedness that only a warm summer night and the company of loved ones can truly create.

A campfire would light up the night, and the wonderful scent would linger in my hair. The embers cast shadows on my father’s face as he sang his favorite songs.

Flat on my back, starring upward into the black abyss. Three stars make a pyramid, a cluster over there looks like a cat. There is no other light but the white, shining specks of fascination that have sustained centuries of dreamers.

I think about these days in the brief, stolen moments when the sky is tinted orange. I will carry them with me for always.

Long Beach, WA

Long Beach, Washington.

It’s one of those places where there’s not a hell of a lot happening. And that’s why you go there.

Mike’s House*: Mike’s family has a house right off the beach and we visit every other month or so.  The house is towards the edge of town, tucked back in a neighborhood lined with beautiful homes.  The quiet is interrupted by the ever present humming of the ocean and the breeze tickling the trees.  It’s a lovely peacefulness you don’t get in the city.

That’s Mike’s neighborhood. Now about the town…

The Town: Life is slower, in pretty much every sense.  People aren’t in a hurry. They don’t drive fast, and they sure don’t walk quickly. Everything is taken at a “I’m out for a stroll with my lady and this is 1950” sort of a pace.  It seems the overall fashion sense hasn’t progressed, oh, maybe ever.  At least since 1995.  There is a town mall and it consists of exactly one store: “BEADS, BEADS, BEADS.”  Guess what they sell.

Also, and probably my favorite, there is the pride of Long Beach, the tranny mermaid.  Here’s the back story: It was created to decorate the center of town, but the residents of Long Beach had a vote to move it down the road to live outside of a sad motel. There it sits, gracing visitors just trying to get a bit of shut eye with its creepy she-man presence.

Tranny Mermaid

Let’s revisit that story for a moment.  Imagine a local Long Beach wood carver, lugging a huge piece of drift wood up to his driveway with the kind intention of giving something back to his community. With love and endless hours, he creates a beautiful mermaid which he donates to the town. People are so horrified by your work of art, they find it so offensive, an entire meeting is scheduled just to get it out of their sight and prevent it from further disgracing the town. I mean, can it really be that bad?  You can decide:

Tranny Merm close up

Tranny Merm close up copy

(Who are we kidding? That’s a dude. With boobs. It’s that bad.)

Somehow all of this, bead malls and tranny wood sculptures included, creates an endearing place to visit that, if anything, will make you laugh.

Thank you, have a great trip.

*P.S. Mike is my lovely boyfriend whom I will frequently mention in posts.  He is my best friend and buddy in most all of my adventures.

Walk the Line

There is a line that is drawn dividing those who appreciate the slow side of life and those that don’t.  Well, in Hawaii I flirted with that line. Flirted hard.

As a true Seattleite, I conducted a mini quest around the island for the best cup of coffee. Quick aside: there was a Starbucks brewing its convenient, underwhelming coffee a three minute walk away from my hotel. A double tall latte cost $6.00…. Needless to say, my snobby attitude toward coffee came in handy as I found a local shop serving a better cup at about half the price of its mainstream competitor. Enter MauiGrown Coffee.


That’s the front of the shop. Where they show off their patriotism. 

The experience? Let’s just say they definitely enjoy the slow side of life.  I had a mini panic attack as I tried in vain to patiently wait for my cup. No joke, it was a solid five minutes from putting in my order to pouring it down my gullet. Do you realize how long that is in coffee waiting years? I aged at least a day. “Have you forgotten my order?” I thought to myself. “Why haven’t you rung it up yet? Here is my money. Why are you just leaving the shot sitting there? It’s dying… Do you feel my eyes staring your down?”  Nothing. No reaction from anyone. “What is happening? Hurry. Seriously, get it together,” I thought as I walked right over that line and embraced my fast paced city-girl attitude.

During this painful five minutes, I tried to remember this “embrace the island life” crap and enjoy the quaintness of this little shop. It was quite pleasant inside, equipped with AC and a variety of old world photographs of the island coffee plantations.  It even had a gift shop with reusable tote bags made of vintage looking coffee sacks, something straight out of Seattle. I considered buying one to up my hipster cred, but guffawed at the idea after seeing the $120 price tag. I snapped this photo:


Yeah, I know, terrible quality. But I only got one shot at it before a lady loudly told me photos were not allowed. Because it was actually a museum and they had priceless artifacts taking us back to yesteryear….

That was a joke.

No they did not have priceless anything. And not being allowed to take photos in there was also a joke. I mean not really, you really couldn’t take photos, so that part wasn’t a joke. But it was such a ridiculous rule it should have been a joke. You follow? Keep up.

Anyway, beyond that odd quirk, it’s a place worth checking out. Google it, Yelp it, Trip Advisor It, do what you do- MauiGrown Coffee.  Especially if you are like me and appreciate good coffee.

Thank you, have a great trip.